Levels of Teaching education
Levels of teaching
Teaching is a purposeful process which has close relationship with learning. therefore, in the modern age, teaching- learning are accepted as one concept. the content has its own nature by which various learning level can be effected can be affected with the acquisition of various teaching objectives. A teacher can present the content at three levels, from thoughtless to thoughtful situations. these levels are;
1.Memory level
2.Understanding level
3.Reflective level
1.Memory level of teaching :
it is thoughtless to thoughtful situations. it is the initial stage of teaching.2.Understanding level of teaching :
it includes both memory and insight. Memory level teaching is the pre-requisite for understanding level of teaching.3.Reflective level:
it includes both memory and understanding levels of teaching. the occurrence of teaching both at memory and understanding levels is essential for reflective level of teaching.Teaching starts from memory level which advances to reflective level after passing through understanding level of teaching. if the reality of subject is to be provided along with its knowledge the content must be taught at all the three levels of teaching which are memory, understanding, and reflective levels. it depends upon the teacher's competency as to what extent he succeeds in reaching upto reflective level starting from memory level on the basis of his efficiency and experiences. the normal teaching corresponds to the memory level teaching. few learned and efficient teachers succeeded in upgrading their teaching from memory level to reflective level-teaching.
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Memory level
Definition of memory
1.McDougall. ''Memory implies imagining of events as experienced in the past and recognising them to one's own past experience.2.J.S Ross. '' A memory is a new experience determined by the dispositions laid down by a previous experiences, the relation between the two being clearly apprehended.''
3.Stout. ''Memory is the ideal revival in which the objects of past experience reinstate as far as possible in the order and manner of the original occurrence.''
4.WoodWorth. ''Memory is the direct use of what is learned.''
Characteristics of Good Memory
1.Rapidity in learning.
the memory of those pupils can be said as good who learn rapidly. contrary to this, that memory cannot be said as good when the pupils learn slowly.2.Stability of Retention.
the pupils are said to have a good memory if they retain for a longer time what they have learned. its reserve i.e the pupils who cannot retain for a longer time are said to have bad memory.3.Rapidity in recall.
those pupils who said to have good memory who can bring anything to their conscious level very rapidly.4. Serviceableness .
some pupils possess much but when needed, they remember only irrelevant material. contrary to this, there are pupils who bring only desirable at the conscious level, only those pupils are said to have good memory who can recall the appropriate material or they can identify experiences and talents according to the need.
5. Forgetting Irrelevant things.
A good memory requires forgetting of irrelevant things.Suggestions for memory level of teaching.
1.the teacher should try to achieve the cognitive objective.
2.the content to be presented should be purposeful.
3.the teaching points should be presented as a whole or in tpto.
4.the content should be presented in a sequence
5.there should be no teaching when the pupils are tired.
6.only whole-methods should be used.
7.a definite reinforcement system should be used.
8. Recall should be grown through practice.
9.Recapitulation should be done in a rhythm.
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Phases of memory
1. Learning.
the first phase of memory is the learning of some facts. learning task is done by the conscious mind. in this phase, the life-experiences get engrammed in the brain in the form of mental impressions and these can be made conscious as and when needed. hence, the pupils should not try to cram the contents while learning somthing, some subject or a place. they should acquire direct knowledge. they should search out the meaning of that knowledge. they should memorise that knowledge by linking it with other objects or subjects.2.Retention.
To make the contents permanent in the minds is called retention. the retention power is different in the different individuals. a memory is said to be good if a person can retain somthing in his mind for a longer duration. Adolescents have more retention power as compared to the adults. hence, they memorise rapidly. the retention power reach at its peak at the age of 25 years and after this it starts reducing. the retention power depends mainly upon four conditions:1.Brain
3.interest and
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